Mobile Version

1.First of all,You need need a decentralised walle that support, such as Math, ONTO, Bitkeep, TokenPocket, etc. we take TokenPocket as an example. Before anything happens, choose the chain first, either HECO or BSC

2.After the creation, enter Mdex in the “Discovery”-”Search” to enter the trading interface.

3.Click the "Liquidity " button on the home page and find the trading pair you want to mine. Click“Swap”buttonThen enter the " pool" to add liquidity .Make sure that there are enough two tokens in your wallet, that is, the value of the two tokens are equivalent. For example, 4MDX and 13497.4311LION can form an LP Token.

4.After the liquidity is successfully added, You will get an LP Token certificate.pledge LP Token to corresponding transaction pair on the "Liquidity " page 。

5.pledge the liquidity LP by click the "+" button, you can enter any number that is avaliable or just click the button "MAX"

6."withdraw" , "withdraw all" , "+"" - "and "add liquidity"are avaliable on the pledge page. "withdraw all" deals with both rewards and LP.You can stop mining by removing liquidity in MDEX pool followed by clicking "withdraw All"

Last updated